This is a pretty long post, so read it in bits to avoid getting tired of me.
As you know, I've been gone for about a month and a half so far sometimes it feels like 2 weeks and sometimes it feels like 2 years.Of course, the longer I'm here the more work that I have to do for school, so not too much happens during the week for me.
However, on Wednesday, I figured it was finally time for me to call my relatives that live in Ireland. For the Harrison's it's easy enough to say that I called Bonnie's daughter Anne. For everyone else, Bonnie is the sister of my Grandma Theresa who passed away 10 years ago. Bonnie met me when I was a kid, but hasn't been back to the U.S. in a while. So her daughter, Anne, would be my mother's cousin... everybody got it? Good.
Friday was spent finishing an essay for my foundation course. By the time I turned it in and got home, it was about 5pm. One of the American girls who lives upstairs had a friend visiting from home, so I grabbed so delicious gourmet pizza with them. Then, we had planned on going out and looking pretty so we went home and got ready. We were hanging out before actually going out when my friend Susan called, so I went down to her apartment. She invited me to come to a house party with her classmates and recommended we meet everyone else out later. Of course, I agreed and we started our Friday Night Adventure.
After some difficulty trying to find the apartment in a neighborhood we had never been before, we arrived. A hilarious, enlightening, fantastic night ensued. There were 8 or 9 of us altogether, and Susan and I were a tad overdressed. Of course, no one cared. Pretty much all of them were Irish and most go to DBS with us so we had tons to chat about. The way university works here is that when you start, you pretty much spend 3 years with the same dozen kids. So they were very happy when Susan popped up in there class, a fresh face. We had such a good time that we didn't want to go meet our friends out nor did we want to leave, even when 2am rolled around. We cabbed home and chatted about how awesome the Irish can be.
Then came yesterday. When I woke up (late as usual) I saw that Kevin had recommended I go to Parnell Sq because there was going to be a protest. People had been occupying Dame St, where the Central Bank of Ireland HQ is, for a week for Dublin's version of Occupy Wall Street. So Susan and I headed out to Dame St, figuring that the protesters had already marched. They were supposed to arrive at Dame at 2pm and it was 2:15. As usual, we forgot to take "Irish Time" into consideration. So we walked back up to Parnell Sq, saw the protesters, walked in the streets with them and took some pics as they marched to Dame
The size of the crowd changed depending on where in the city it was, but its only about a kilometer to Dame St. I think what most surprised Susan and I about the protest was how peaceful it was. The police escorted the protesters through the city and let them stop pretty much wherever they wanted to. Traffic was held up for the 5-10 min it took for the crowd to migrate down the streets. There were no issues with the Garda at all (Irish police force). In the States, for a protest of this size with this sort of message, I'd expect there to be some animosity towards the police from the protesters and vice versa. There was none of that here. Once the crowd came down Dame St and stopped at Central Bank, blocking all the traffic, the garda started asking people to get off the street so traffic could flow again. People were extremely obliging, the only reason it took more than five minutes was because there were so many people and their sound system wasn't very loud.
When we returned home from the cold and rain of the City Center we had some dinner and then were off to see some Greyhound races with our Austrian and German friends.It was Susan, me, and 8 German speakers, but we had a fantastic time. It was a bit reminiscent of when Dad took Theresa and I to the dog races in Florida about 8 years ago. All of the Europeans were quite surprised that I had been to dog races before. Everyone who bet on the dogs came out on top! It was a different kind of experience, going to the dog races here, it was an atmosphere we hadn't yet experienced in Dublin.
Next weekend I'll be going up to Belfast and Derry, so I probably wont post until Sunday or Monday. If my Harrison could email me a couple of pics of you guys, your families or all of us together, that would be great. I want to print them out to bring to see Anne in a couple weeks.
Love you guys, Go Bills!